joi, 8 octombrie 2009

Learn how to earn up to $5 per hour, only with Adsense ... It is passive gain .. Investment=0

-The first step you need to do is to join the Google AdSense, for this click here and follow the steps. Also, before you sign up, it is important to read the article: * What sites are banned in Google Adsense. In Romanian sites are supported by Google AdSense!
- Added advantage of Google Adsense through this page is that you can take the practical articles that will help along the way to realize maximum revenue from advertising.
- Supplemental Adsense ads - is a service of Google - which gives a total trust in payment of the amounts realized from advertising safety and reliability of this service.
- Google Adsense is one way relatively easy for owners of small and large sites, to earn money by displaying relevant ads on their website.
I am an Adsense user in February 2008 and I thought to share with you my experience for those who need or want to learn some tips that help them increase their revenues.
How Google Adsense?
Google Adsense offers you a large number of formats (size) of advertising - picture, text and more new video format. Inserting ads on the page is very easy. Google Adsense account you specify the type of advertising format and colors are generated by a code that you insert in your pages - you want the ad to be displayed. You can use the same code for any site of yours - do not need to wait for the answer if accepted the second site. Each time the page was viewed, bot takes information from Google Adsense, and so knows what ads to list. If page is not included in the Google search engine then bot will scan the page to determine what relevant ads to display. Adsense bot can be easily identified in the server logs for that is called: Mediapartners - Google/L.1
How has Google Adsense ads?
Ads are obtained through the Google AdWords program. Google AdWords is a program that allows those who want to pay to have their ads displayed - to bid for keywords. For example, if the page where you insert Adsense code is an article that contains the keyword "online promotion" - and the one who paid the bid for that word, then could the ad's to appear on your page . Even though there are many steps that runs behind the "scene", display advertising is very fast, and in my opinion, has great accuracy.
How much money you earn with Google Adsense?
You get a certain percentage of the amount paid for each click your ad receives, those who paid for the ads. Even if other sites of public profile that I share split - Google does not, and speculated that varies, but it seems that, even in these circumstances, it seemed to pay generously. When asked how much money can I make with Adsense, the answer is that there is no limit. I know people who receive checks each month with three zeros (thousands). If you are curious to know how you do it - well it is a secret:) - there are checks with three zeros, but got more than enough to make me interested to use it as a way to make money Adsense.
To make money depend on a number of factors:
- Number of pages viewed daily unique visitors (over 500 recommended) and the percentage of new visitors daily (advisable to be at least 15-20%);
- Theme of the site;
- Fixed price at which pays for every click received on advertising;
- Number of people who click on ads.
This does not mean that if your page gets only a few hundred visitors a day, you will get less money. In fact, sites that have less traffic can generate good money if the subject site covers a very competitive market. Google issued checks as scheduled given below:
<<< 1 month (first month):
1 to 30: the accumulation of income
Month 2 (two months):
First week: sum close in the first month is displayed on My Account> Payment History
15: last day on which can be set to keep the check, change of address for sending check, filling in the "tax information" and typing the PIN for the first month.
Last week: check payment details are displayed on My Account> Payment History.
Month 3 (three months):
- Up to 5 should receive the check if it was sent through Secured Express Delivery check for first month;
- Up to 25 should receive the check - that should you have chosen to be sent via Standard Delivery. >>>
Issue a check is done only if you have accumulated at least $ 100. If you have accumulated less than $ 100 if the amount is accumulated to the sum of the following month.
Google Adsense I will improve my page rank?
No. Adsense, and generally to grant rank by the Google search engine - are two separate services, but effective site optimization will help you get the most relevant ads and at the same time of the site a better position in the results Search Google.
Take advantage of free space on the page by adding ads
Multiple ad units (multiple ad units) can help you optimize performance by great number of types of AdSense ads. You can put up to three ad units per page - plus one link unit and a referral button (referral) per product. Note that the best way to measure the effect of multiple ad units is to measure the impact on total revenues. Multiple ad units may prove a successful case by case basis for:
- Text-rich pages, which requires users to proceed down the page.
- Forum or pages with messages, particularly in messages posted on forums;
- Match only pages where small ad formats (eg button: 125x125)
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Make sure the ad unit with the best location on the page is the ad unit that appears first in HTML code. It will help make sure that the first ad space will be occupied by the ads that generate most of your total income.
How to define 'first' ad
The system displays ads on each unit of advertising space in the order placed in the HTML. In most cases this will be and the order of display ad units on your page. However, if your code uses DIV orders or other positioning techniques, your AdSense system to recognize an ad unit as the first ad unit, even if appears to be the end page. For AdSense system could not display your ads in all ad units on the page, it is important to make sure that ad unit "page" appears first in HTML code.
To define the 'first' ad following steps:

If you want to display your text ads or image comes into your AdSense account - click on the "AdSense Setup" after which you'll see the image above. Click then on Adsense for content - the text ad.

Click on the "AdSense for Search" if you want to use the code for Google search - and at the same time and make money from ads displayed on the results.
After you have selected one of the options above follow the steps required to generate the code - which then paste it into your pages.
Where should I put Google ads on the page?
The best placement of Google ads varies from one page to another, depending on content. Here are some questions to think about before you choose where to place ads on the page:
- Trying to steal user visiting my site?
- What do they do when they visit a certain page?
- What part of the page or site is interesting for visitors?
- How to integrate ads into this area without causing visitors to leave?
- How to keep your page look good, clean, pleasant and attractive to visitors?
Certain locations tend to be more efficient than the rest. This image illustrates these ideal placements on a page relatively simple.
The colors are from dark green (maximum efficiency) to yellow (low efficiency). Ads placed above the square in the middle tend to be more efficient than those below. Advertise placed next to a rich and navigation links usually do well because users are focused on those areas of the page.
While the image is useful to help you to effectively pozitionezi ads, however we recommend to keep user account and to not create inconvenience for them.
Think about their behavior on different pages, and what will be most useful and visible to them.
You will find that the optimal position of ads on some pages is not always the one to which you expect.
For example, on pages where users are usually concentrated read an article, ads placed directly at the end of editorial content tends to be very effective. Many times that end users will want to read the article to be deeper and more relevant ads are displayed and if certainly they will tend to click on them.
The image below shows the best areas for a standard type page, where you can place ads.

Images are recorded from 4 to 10. 4 is the weakest and brings the least money, while 10 is the space on the page, following the insertion of advertisements in this area, brings you the most money. Note that the space where advertising is most effective may vary from one page to another - depending on the desgin and content of the page.
Insert your ad code on all pages
If only a small number of pages your site will display Google AdSense ads, trying to insert AdSense ad code on as many pages, especially those rich in text. Google's AdSense ads can be effective on several types of pages, even if they contain descriptions of products, forums, or news articles. Increased advertising exposure helps to add variety to your website and gives users more options, to improve site performance in terms of revenue from advertising.
What to do and what not to do
What to do:
-Personalize your Adsense ads, Google does not use fixed settings;
-Edit site content and user considering the site but the Adsense terms and conditions of acceptance;
-Do not be too concerned that Adsense ads are site visitors do not visit in May you offers or products. From own experience I noticed that if people are interested in your site content and Adsense ads, will first read the site content, and then will turn to advertising if you are interested;
-Look Adsense as a partner, not as a competitor. If you have not what looking visitor while sati can not give or sell them anything, but you can make money from those visits using Adsense latter's click on the ad;
-The location is important, place advertisements where they are best viewed;
-Google allows you to display up to three ads per page plus one from each option Referrals - use this to show you the different types of ads and increase your chances of making money.
Why not:
To Google Adsense is a good and reliable partner, has a number of rules to follow. Violation of any rules mentioned below may result in account suspension or permanently delete the Adsense program: Once you insert the code, do not click links on them.
Google is very, very "sensitive" by the fraud clicks:
-Tell everyone who uses your computer at home was not clicking on ads on Adsense ads, lies just to be safe;
-Never, but never try to get "play" with the system or to change generated code. Google detected very quickly and you'll be severely penalized;
-Do not insert Adsense code where no one can see t;
-Do not try to ask them to give visitors clicks on ads - offering rewards;
-Do not ask visitors to click links like "help your site, so you click the ad below;
-Do not insert Adsense ads on empty pages.
Add attractive pages link inserting units
If you want ad units that adapt to your site and attract and interest readers, take into account units and links (link units).
Each link unit displays a list of topics relevant sites content site when users click on these topic sites, they are sent on a page of AdWords ads that contain ads on that topic.
Keep in mind that you will not get money per click sites topic's data, but will be paid to click sites that users make on AdWords ads displayed page. See all formats of units available links.
Link units are particularly effective because visitors tend to look the same specific information. Variety of formats for link units are to be law which ones fit better on the page, so I recommend placing link units in new and unusual locations on the site. Note that a unit can be placed links per page in addition to the existence of the other three AdSense ad units on that page.
To insert a unit links follow instructions presented in the image below:

Adsense account - click the AdSense Setup menu will appear after the image above. Click then on Adsense for content.

Then select the Link option and click Continue unit

Follow the steps in image 1: select the ad format (size) - Click here to view formats and sizes available for this type of ad 2: Select colors, 3: if you want to see how effective is the ad click on Add new channel to create a new channel - if not skip this step 4: click the Continue button to generate code.

The last step: copy the code and insert on your page - in the desired space
Enables the display of ads that contain images to increase variety and competition

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